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Narayani und Ich, Ernst Heinzelmaier

Narayani in

       last update:  02. 06.  2010   01:36 / Wien    05:18  Katmandu  Nepal



I live since 10 April 2010 in Nepal. It is the third times where I can see this beautiful country. On the morning walk, I met a pigeon, the huddled helplessly on the roadside. I took them with. She was so weak that they hardly move could. I put "from where the pigeons are fed regularly on a pigeon square" movie. A homeless family they had then taken over. As I made the last shots of her she seemed more death than alive. I found myself at first so that she will die. Later I made the accusations I have not accepted their fate. Next day I saw her again. She sat on a two-meter-high wooden shelf and looked at me. As a Nepali something closer to her vorbeispazierte she flew away in alarm. But about 10 meters in height, they went into a spin and fell fluttering to the ground. Since I have picked up and taken it to my hotel room. 


Now she sleeps in my left hand,  Once she is able to fly again, I tinker it a hatch where it can again outside. I have proof the city pigeons in contrast to the wood pigeon pets and bred in times of war as homing pigeons. Film: Pigeons place in Vienna Photo: Pigeons place now where almost everyone has Internet no longer needs the man dove. And what he does not need to worry that he will not either. Except for a few exceptions that we found in relevant forums. 



Veterinärklinik Nepal:

Film: A birds-hospital

            more film

Narayani is now provided with medical care

Film:    Today, she has first time allocated reefs easily with the second foot and the head turned back time alone. Narayani is making progress.